Aptly titled "On the way Down" by photographer Dave Mondor, here we can inspect often committed, but rarely seen, aspects of skijoring that earn them the title of "The Village Idiots of the Mushing World" (and thank you for that one Ms. Rogan). Jon however, who does this sort of thing all the time, maintains it's simply good training to practice how to fall properly with minimum pain quotient, as he contends "Look, I'm gonna fall lots, so I might as well get the technique right so I don't break too much".
In the above case, though, the intrepid skijorer, appears to have made some cardinal errors (they were cardinal by the time he got back)
No gloves: impact with crusty hard trail removes outer covering (usually replaceable gloves), in this case skin.
Heavy double pole on icy start line whilst 4 dogs heave-ho = unbalancing act that Vince Federoff gleefully snaps up for a Whiehorse Star front cover.
You can just see if you look hard where the wheel dogs tugs join the gangline - a modified three-pronged garden rake as a snow hook. Hmmm, sharp exposed metal pointy stuff and skijoring, not a mix generally seen - Could this valiant skijorer be the CHT's "Darwin Awards" candidate - keep checking, he's in the Feb 8th Duffy's Pets and Tanzilla Harness Supply race!!
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