Genessee Keevil
Harvey Van Patten
Maren Bradley
Pierre Duc
Laura Jane Lucas
Ray Zaidan
Colin Morrison
Simi Morrison
This leaves 17 places available - it might be free, can you afford to miss $400 and a $100 Air North certificate? let alone your Yukon Brewing T Shirt at the summit!!
Whitehorse Army Cadet Corps 2685 have kindly agreed to come out and man the start line, Jackson Lake and Copper Haul card pick-ups; Pierre from Sunshine Valley Ranch today confirmed their card-drop, and Mike Simon will be up at 4400' with a snowmachine, cards, and a cooler full of Yukon Brewing T shirts - if it's cold he might have worn them all before you get up there so no slouching up that 2200 feet!!
As per Copper Haul Twister, the retroactive rule applies in this race
At 11.30 on the same day we have the First Mate Extreme 1 tonne freight pull at Icy Waters Ltd. First Freight Pull of the season and we'll see who's been training!!
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