Wednesday, October 7, 2009

City comes through! Parks and Rec to emplace gates on Copper Haul Trail!!

Most excellent news today - at a meeting at the MacIntyre Marsh Gazebo (the historic Yukon Brewing Copper Haul Twister start line) Doug Hnatiuk of City Parks and Rec outlined the City's plans to emplace a winter gate across the Copper Haul Trail to be locked Nov 1st - March 31st. The CHT Org will have access to a key. Doug expects the gate to go in before Nov 1st. Other access points at the base of the Mt Mac Road and at Mt Sima are to be blocked with significantly sized pieces of jagged rock.

Very great thanks are due to Doug Hnatiuk for working towards this and leading it to completion, and also to City Planning (Pat Ross), Klondike Snowmachine Association (Harris Cox), DPSAY (Gene Ennis), CHT Org (Jon Lucas) and most importantly all of you who emailed Doug to show your support for such a project - well done! See, your voices can be heard!

Of course, bad people may try to wreck the gates, but then Cabela's does a very cheap line in motion activated sit and wait cameras, well worth the investment to identify the vandals :) - Gotcha!

First Race, Nov 22nd, Alpine Vet Race Day - on a trail that will have a much reduced chance of being rutted like the surface of the moon. Thank you Doug and the City of Whitehorse!

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