Wednesday, October 7, 2009

City comes through! Parks and Rec to emplace gates on Copper Haul Trail!!

Most excellent news today - at a meeting at the MacIntyre Marsh Gazebo (the historic Yukon Brewing Copper Haul Twister start line) Doug Hnatiuk of City Parks and Rec outlined the City's plans to emplace a winter gate across the Copper Haul Trail to be locked Nov 1st - March 31st. The CHT Org will have access to a key. Doug expects the gate to go in before Nov 1st. Other access points at the base of the Mt Mac Road and at Mt Sima are to be blocked with significantly sized pieces of jagged rock.

Very great thanks are due to Doug Hnatiuk for working towards this and leading it to completion, and also to City Planning (Pat Ross), Klondike Snowmachine Association (Harris Cox), DPSAY (Gene Ennis), CHT Org (Jon Lucas) and most importantly all of you who emailed Doug to show your support for such a project - well done! See, your voices can be heard!

Of course, bad people may try to wreck the gates, but then Cabela's does a very cheap line in motion activated sit and wait cameras, well worth the investment to identify the vandals :) - Gotcha!

First Race, Nov 22nd, Alpine Vet Race Day - on a trail that will have a much reduced chance of being rutted like the surface of the moon. Thank you Doug and the City of Whitehorse!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

DPSAY Road Runner 100, Sponsorflash!!

ICY WATERS LTD confirms as first major sponsor with $1000 donated towards the purse.

For all Road Runner 100 (beep beep!) details keep following the DPSAY site (look to the right of this and just click the link).

Those Yukon Brewing Growler Race Results in full

A soft surprise awaited the racers on Sept 20th - fully a month earlier than last year's race, it hadn't occured to anyone we spoke to that the lovely frosted hard packed sand of Oct 2008, would be soft, squishy, treacle for the race of Sept 2009! there was a lot of uphill...and a lot of humans joined their dogs on foot by charging...running...walking..staggering uphill.


1 - Alexandra Rochet - 8.40
2 - Pascale Hennifer - 10.36

1 mile 1 PET DOG (all bikejour)

1 - ASHA - Jon Lucas - 5.21
2 - PIPPA - --------------- 7.22
3 - Big Siberian Dog - Janet Keller - 7.36

1 mile 1 SLED DOG (all bikejour)

1 - Darryl Sheepway - Grizzly - 4.22
2 - Gaetan Pierrard - Ibex - 4.37
3 - Cynthia Corriveau - Nahanni - 4.42
4 - Jesse -K2 - 5.36
5 - Amil Dupuis-Rossi - Polar - 5.47
6 - Jon Lucas - Bogart - 6.20
7 - Eilidh Lucas - Bluto - 6.28
8 - Vern Selman - another big Siberian - 8.50
9 - Janet Keller with yet another large Siberian - DNF

2 mile 2 SLED DOG (all bikejour)

1 - Jon Lucas - Assman + Tutshi - 8.32
2 - Darryl Sheepway - Grizzly + Coho - 8.40
3 - Cynthia Corriveau - Nahanni - 9.49
4 - Amil D-R - Polar + Fry - 10.06
5 - Janet Keller - 2 large furry Siberians - 12.43
DNF - Jesse; Vern.

And that's it for Hot Hounds Dryland Season 3! Thanks to all the hosts, sponsors, volunteers - RM Gene Ennis for 5/5; organiser Jon Lucas, and of course all you racers who come out and make it fun - Remember if you want to win your money back come and race in the Dec 13th Poker Run: Reach for the Sky and Take the Beer: 22 miles from Icy Waters Ltd up and over Mt Mac and back in under 4 hours, 4-12 dogs, top 3 hands win. Prizes from Air North, Yukon Brewing, and Hot Hounds.

Season 4 of the Yukon Brewing Copper Haul Twister League kicks off (snow permitting) on Sunday November 22nd with the Alpine Vet Race Day, Sleds 2-4 dogs, skis 2-3 dogs. Let's get the snow dances going!

Merry Training and thanks for a great summer