Taplow/First Mate Extreme Dog Food Freight Pull
One Tonne of dog food to be won across 3 classes. Meet at Icy Waters Ltd, km 4.2 Fish lake Rd at 11.30am (very reasonable, even Janet might be able to wake up by then eh Ms. Kerr? Janet was to run in the Sportees Twister, but turned off her alarm clock and rolled back to sleep - shades of Slacker Kennel from 2006 and of course the classic Eilidh Lucas rollover that cost her $100 and a second place in the Pet Dog League - enough embarrassing histories...). Freight Pull (FP) - all you have to do is get your dog to stand/sit/wait whilst it is connected to a sled, then you walk 16 feet to the finish (such a short distance), then you turn, call your dog, and FP Marshall Judith Belair (her word is law) times the dog's pull. You have 60 seconds the complete the pull. If another dog matches the weight, another round ensues. In the event of a tie, the fastest pull wins.
Yep, sounds really easy - try it out on your backyard.
Please do not place bets, this is a gambling free sporting event, I am in enough trouble regarding my alleged illegal dog gambling ring in the "so-called' Poker Run (see below). I am very grateful to the upstanding moral local citizen who reported me to the Gambling Police and has kept dogsports on the straight and narrow. Clearly Yukon dog sports were in grave danger of being sucked into the murky depths of vice in the Yukon.
1st $100 Air North Certificate; $100 Yukon Brewing Certificate; $200 Hot Hounds Cash
2nd $100 Air North Certificate; $100 Yukon Brewing Certificate; $50 Hot Hounds Cash
3rd $100 Air North Certificate, $50 Hot Hounds Cash
Not too shabby for a $ZERO entry fee. A big thank-you to Air North, Yukon Brewing, and all you summer Hot Hounders (and HH sponsors - Yukon Gardens, Phillipe's Bike Repair, Icy Waters, and Yukon Brewing)
Meet at Icy Waters Ltd (IWL) km 4.2 Fish Lake Rd at 8.30am.
4-6 dog teams leave at 10.00am, 7+ teams at 10.30 am.
Route: IWL - Jackson Lake - Sunshine Valley Ranch (stakeout lines, heated shop, coffee, hot water - a good place to take a break) - Sky High Ranch (Fish Lake area support skidoo) - Fish Lake - shoulder of Mt Mac (4400')(card drop and pick-up of Yukon Brewing refreshing beverage) - Copper Haul Trail - IWL.
Sign the disclaimer, answer the SKILL TESTING math question, collect 6 cards over the trail (be nice to the people with the cards, they don't have to run after you if you miss the pick-up). At the finish line hand over your cards to Race Marshall Bill Stewart. The best 5 card Poker hand wins.
There's no rush, take your time, enjoy the view, and have fun. Bring something for the prize award potluck!
Disclaimer: This sporting event will not be found in on-line gambling