Mike and Jessica Simon set up a
real Twister at their estate today - 10 miles of twisting, climbing, falling (plenty of that) trail through the woodlands and along the power line (ed: there were two...really? I was too busy concentrating on staying upright). Excellently marked, it was a competition of both speed, and command leaders.
In the Kid's class lone Seth Carey took 2 dogs and a sled round a shorter section of hills, and in the Pet Class Asha took Jon for a walk (canicross) through the same.
All results in depth at www.DPSAY.wordpress.com - just click on the link at the right. But what do today's results mean for the lucrative League standings, and the future possessor of that very attractive Copper Trophy?
To qualify for the league, Twister racers must volunteer for a full Twister and compete in 3+ races, although points can only be counted from a maximum of 4 races; Pet Dog and Kid's racers must compete in 3+ races (counting points from a max of 4) and volunteer for the Twister (or get a parent to in the case of kids...only). Which means with one race left this season we have interesting situations:
So long as Seth makes sure his Dad brings him to the last race, he's won the Kid's League, he has 20 points and Dad Steve volunteered today - $125 just waiting for you to turn up, run, and claim it Seth!
Pet Dog - Asha is out in front with 28 points from 3 races and Jon's volunteered, Sandro has 14 points from 2 races so needs to volunteer and run next race; Cheryl Kawadja has 18 points from 2 races so again must volunteer and race at the last race meet. If Cheryl wins (quite likely on past form) and Asha doesn't place, then Cheryl get's the $125 & League Title. (Pet dog league 2nd is $100, 3rd $75)
The Twister! AHA! Claudia and Fabian sit with 8 points each, both have volunteered; Jon has 12 and volunteered; Darryl S has 16 and volunteered; Stephan W has 22 and NOT volunteered.....ahh a dilemma - if he races the last race he's out of the League, if he volunteers and Darryl gets 1st-3rd, Darryl wins. Theorectically Jon could get 10 points (ha ha!) but that's so theorectical we can forget it right now. So Stephan (how wettbewarbsfahig are you?) - $200 for second place in the League guaranteed if you volunteer, possibly $250 and the trophy if Darryl doesn't make the top 3; Darryl, go for it, 1,2,3 and you get $250 and the shiny copper trophy for a year! You're pretty certain to get $200 anyway, whatever happens....nice, it's all down to the last race. And thank you Yukon Brewing for another season and another load of cash -
Yukon Brewing, sponsored over $8000 in cash on the CHT since 2006
Go buy their most very excellent beer so they can keep sponsoring us!