Sunday, March 30, 2008


  1. ASHA the Rottie (Snowpigs), skijoring and bikejouring, $125
  1. JEFF DIMENT, sled, $125
  2. JUSTIN MACDOUGALL, sled, $100
  3. ERIN SPICER, sled, $75
  1. LEE KIRPATRICK, (Drag 'n' Fly), sled, $250 + Trophy (again)
  2. LUC TWEDDELL, (Echoes), sled, $200
  3. EILIDH LUCAS, (Snowpigs), sled, $150
  4. JONATHAN LUCAS (Snowpigs), skis, $100

Icy Waters Ltd Race Day Results, Mar 29th

5km Kids Race
(all kids ran sleds)
  1. Nick MacDougall.......................11:10
  2. Jeff Diment................................12:16
  3. Sarah Diment.............................12:58
  4. Erin Spicer..................................13:39
  5. Lori Tweddell.............................14:22
  6. Justin MacDougall.....................18:24
12 Mile Copper Haul Twister
(all 5 dog sleds, except Darryl Sheepway - 3 dog skis, and Heather Swystun - 2 dog skis)

  1. Dave Johnson.....................................44:00
  2. Lee Kirkpatrick (Drag 'n' Fly)..............48:22
  3. Emilie Dessureault (Echoes)................52:21
  4. Tony Radford (Drag 'n' Fly)..................53:52
  5. Darryl Sheepway (Smokin' Paws).......54:40........3 dog skis
  6. Marcelle Fressineau..............................57:11
  7. Eilidh Lucas (Snowpigs).......................58:54
  8. Julie Dessureault (Echoes)...................1:01:24
  9. Dominique Ouleray................................1:02:44
  10. Miranda Currie (Laughing Eyes)..........1:02:56
  11. Helene Bedard.........................................1:03:53
  12. Jacqueline Saugy.....................................1:05:35
  13. Earl Shaw (Drag 'n' Fly/Snowpigs)......1:07:01
  14. Heather Swystun.........................1:09:02..2 dog skis
  15. Cristy Willet............................................1:10:07
  16. Debbie Last..............................................1:12:28
  17. Gene Ennis (Drag 'n' Fly)......................1:15:26
  18. Janet Kellar.............................................1:35:56
  19. Mike Wood - DNF
  20. Carolynne Fujda - DNF
Luc Tweddel vounteered, thus securing his League position, and won the Yukon Brewing beer in the volunteer draw! Gene Ennis won Aurora Booties' beadwork fur moccasins in the "volunteering 3+ times" draw.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

26 team turnout for season finale!

The Kids League saw Jeff Diment as victor, holding off Justin McDougall (second) and Erin Spicer (third), whilst Lee Kirkpatrick retained the CHT trophy and League 1st from Luc Tweddell and Eilidh Lucas. Asha the Rottie took the Pet Dog League.

Full Results and photos to follow!

Thanks to all the volunteers and sponsors, that made this season happen. Plans are already underway for season 3!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Race ON! Icy Waters Ltd Race is ON

Don't be fooled by the sun, the air on the CH trail remains frosty and the trail remains well packed, with plenty of depth for the softie sledders' hooks and brakes. There may not be much for the skijorers to edge into, and it is certainly hard enough to foil the "digging the elbow in" skijorer's anchor.

The League Prize ceremony will be held straight after the Race prizes and don't forget to bring food and drinks for the Potluck we'll have whilst the winners get their cash!!

Volunteers still needed: bring a friend or relative, it would be a shame to cancel for lack of volunteers and safety out on the course. Sad but true.

See you all 8.45am Saturday 29th for the Icy Waters Ltd Race Day

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

CHT Announces Official Weatherman for future races

(photo: Heather Desmarais)

Dave "The Weatherman" Desmarais has kindly volunteered to be our official weathervane. Dave assures us that the night before each race he will appear to confirm if the weather is too cold, or above the race cut-off. In this amazing example of selflessness Dave shows that at these February temperatures, the race would, indeed be postponed. This new service from the CHT Org will be in production for next season's races.

Trail Report - Looking good Wednesday 26th March

Trail dragged this evening - firm, hard, surface ruffled by skidoos, but otherwise good. The pallet flattened some of the skidoo tracks then Eilidh Lucas took 8 dogs round the 12 mile Twister. She reports it felt "fast"!

With temperatures set to stay low, Jon and Dave "The Weatherman" Desmarais (see photo) will take two skidoos and drags out on Friday evening, just before freezing to smooth the trail.

Volunteers always welcome and needed. Bring food/drink for the Pot Luck at the race and league awards ceremony - Icy Waters Ltd and Yukon Brewing are providing the cash prizes; Merchandise prizes from Yukon Brewing (wrapped in glass), Icy Waters Ltd, Taplow First Mate foods, and Aurora Booties.

See you all Saturday 29th, 8.45am, Icy Waters Ltd, km 4.2 Fish Lake Rd

Monday, March 24, 2008

Oscar's Electric Race day - Jessica Simon

Like a fresh spring breeze, southerly winds blew away the cold snap and 19 teams lined up for Oscar’s Electric Race Day.
Not a single sled hit The Post, which has been thankfully removed, or whacked Lee’s Tree. In fact, several mushers reported exceptional runs, like Colin Morrison. He ran a puppy team and midway switched out his leader. From there the gang made a smooth finish in 1:21:35.
After placing third on skis in 53:44 Darryl Sheepway said, “This is the first clean run I’ve had all season. I didn’t hit anything, go the wrong way, or lose my dogs.” Only four-dog drivers Lee Kirkpatrick and Sheryl Wishart were faster. Kirkpatrick finished in 49:27, followed by Wishart in 52:50.
The kids’ race, though, offered plenty of spills in the turnaround. First, Erin Spicer’s dogs dumped her in the snow and gave her a long run to catch up. Then, Jeff Diment’s team tossed him off the runners on their way out of the trees, and Sarah Diment lost her string while hawing into the home stretch. That let Nicholas and Justin McDougall take first and second place two seconds apart in 10:35 and 10:37, followed by Jeff 1:31 later, Erin in 12:43 and Sarah in 14:07.
Volunteer dogcatcher Jamie Pirnie gave chase by snowmobile to collar the free runners. “Those dogs were really flying,” he said. “It’s a lot of work to stop and hold them.”
In the pet dog class only skijorers Jonathan Lucas and Mark Manolis competed. Asha thundered around the course in 17:44, while Pika set a more leisurely pace to finish in 23:23. For live action footage we are trying to load a video clip.
The snow is holding so meet for the final Twister, sponsored by Icy Waters Ltd., at 9 a.m. March 29 on the Fish Lake Road.

Photos of Oscar's Electric Twister - Jessica Simon

Nicholas McDougall approaches the turn in Kid's race whilst Jamie waits to help if necessary at the ditch

Thursday, March 20, 2008

CHT Trail Report Weds 19th March

Trail packed and run this evening. Firm, well packed, no ice. Two glaciers to cross, but they caused more trouble for the skidoo and drag than the dog team. Unrutted. Looks good for the Icy Waters Ltd race day, Saturday March 29th, 8.45am, Icy Waters Ltd, km 4.2 Fish Lake rd.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Live From Yellowknife!

Newsflash - Arctic Winter Games update

In wind chills down to -38'C the juniors and juveniles raced on a flat, straight track, ploughed down almost to the ice, from Weds-Fri this week. Sunny skies made for great visibility but little warmth. Premier Stephen Harper dropped by to greet the teams, pose for photos with Team Yukon and actually take a 4 dog team for a run!

Team Yukon's Results (because they are the most imoprtant):

Juvenile 7.5km 4 dog

Gold - Rachael Kinvig
4th Ben Kinvig (Ben was dreaming about the girls on
the Alaska Dog Mushing team)

Juvenile Team 7.5km 4 dog

1st Rachael Kinvig
3rd Ben Kinvig (not dreaming quite as much)
Team Yukon wins Gold in the Juvenile Team

Juvenile 10km 5 dog

Gold Rachael Kinvig
Silver Ben Kinvig (Dad Darren had a "firm" word - we understand he put Ben on his back and bit his ear - alledgedly)

Junior 10km 6 dog

Eilidh Lucas 6th (season best speed/time) - Eilidh was referred to as Mr Ely Lucas as she shot out of the chute which was enough to put anyone off!
Jeff Diment 7th (Jeff awarded the day's "Fair Play" pin for "outstanding" (Race Marshall) courtesy whilst being passed

Junior 10km Team 6 dog

Eilidh Lucas 5th (or Elliot as she was now announced)
Jeff Diment 6th
Team Yukon wins bronze in Junior Team

Junior 13km Team 7 dog
Eilidh Lucas 6th (improved season best speed/time - despite Eilidh "forgetting" to peg, she was off in dreamland about some Team NWT musher with a pink lip ring)
Jeff Diment 7th

and it's all over! Just a 2000km drive back!
Don't forget the Icy Waters Ltd CHT Season Finale Sat Mar 29th, 9am, km 4.2 Fish Lake Rd - these are League place deciders!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Monday, March 3, 2008

Claws on Ice - Postponed

Unfortunately, the organisers have simply run out of time to, erm, organise this innovative race. Despite a purse of $900 and counting ($250 Copper Haul Twister Org.; $100 Icy Waters Ltd; $200 Sky High Wilderness Ranch: $350 Yukon Brewing Ltd), the actual organising following 2 weekends at the Arctic Winter Games, followed by the Tok races and the Icy Waters Ltd CHT (Mar 29th) was just stretching things too far. 

However, good contact has been made with the Whitehorse Ice Racing (cars/trucks) Group, who are quite pleased dog racers have used/want to use their track and they are keen to have the competition in November + December 2008: Dog racing in the morning, followed by Truck racing in the afternoon with an Arctic Charr BBQ courtesy of IWL and Sky High. So, with all summer to plan, perhaps we'll have an even bigger purse!!

Don't forget the season finale Yukon Brewing CHT Race - March 29th, Icy Waters Ltd Race Day, sleds 2-5 dogs, skis 2-3 dogs. Brian McDougall returns as Guest Race Marshmallow.