Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Genessee Keevil FIRST to sign up for Reach for the Sky and Take the Beer

That's right, competition hots up for the remaining 24 places for the second outing of this notorious "poker" run. DPSAY are applying for a gambling licence to make us all legal, otherwise I'll have to refund all your entry fees and you'll have to answer a skill testing mathematical 4 step question - whatever happens, it'll be a larf and three monkeys will be walking (hopefully - naw, it's not that steep - no skijorers allowed though) away with $700 cash and $400 Air North certificates.

Remember it's 22 miles, and 15 of those are up 2000 feet, 3 of them are down 2000 feet and 4 are nice and level.

Email llucas@yknet to register and send a crisp crackly $20 to Jon (for the entry fee, the CHT is incorruptible)

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