Sunday, September 28, 2008

FIRST MATE does it again!!

First Mate Dog Foods has sponsored the 2008 December Freight Pull with ONE TONNE of Extreme Dog Food.

To be held at Icy Waters Ltd, the freight pull will take place whilst all the energetic monkeys are climbing 2000' up Mt Mac in the hopefully-more-legal-than-last-year (eh? wot's a gambling licence?) Reach for the Sky and Take the Beer Poker Run.

More Details to follow - have fun training, be safe - Jon just thanked his body armour after a high speed flight from the scooter through the shrubbery and into the gravel this evening. The dogs had a good laugh, "One of his better ones" mentioned Assman to new boy Grizzly, "Yeah, but he got up a bit quick" added Emma "if we want a good breather lets do it near some rocks next time"


  1. Stay in one piece, the sled dog season haven't start yet :).

  2. Indeed, the Doc told me to lay of "Dog-jouring" for a while...Thanks!
